Tales by moonlight…

by Jan 28, 20220 comments

I grew up to know this box sitting all alone at a corner in our sitting room. It has two knobs, one with a cracking sound when you turn it, while the other comes with a friendly ride and sound. I have got to interact with these knobs several times to catch up with my favourites. I do hope you know what this box is by now- it is nothing but a black and white TV set.

Then came a new edition which comes with a touch of colour. I had to go to our neighbour’s house for this one-in-town TV set to see some of my favourites which includes tales by moonlight, spiderman, Tom and Jerry among others.

Often, we got interrupted in the middle of some of these favourites. For instance, the channel might be changed to a documentary and I wondered what they like to see in a documentary until I joined them one day. Since then, I have loved to see great documentaries.

Here is a documentary you will like to see. The second documentary for Skills for Impact and Profiting. Click https://youtu.be/jGKNqA66YiI to see

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