You and every other human being were created to be in charge. When you are not in control, you are in a crisis, and this is a terrible place to be. Poverty, failed marriages, poor health, failed businesses, and addictions are just a few examples. Since we were created...
Do You Know that You Can Live in Happiness, Prosperity, Liberty and Blessedness? The Beatitudes [eBook]
On a sunny afternoon, while I was looking outside through the window of a bus, I saw different categories of people with different expressions- of hunger, poverty, sickness, disabilities, among others. I hardly saw anyone laugh or probably I did not look more closely...
HOW TO LIVE ABOVE CIRCUMSTANCES: How to be in control. [eBook]
Everyone wants to live above circumstances- in dominion, freedom, peace and tranquillity. The yearning of the human spirit is to live and not just to exist. We crave for something deep- ‘living above or being in control’. As a means to achieve this deep human desire,...
The SWOT analysis of a Leader (eBook)
"R.U Darby and his uncle missed a treasure of gold when they gave up digging 3 feet to it. They did not know it was just 3 feet more to dig and then plunge into a treasure that will change their lives. They gave up at the brink of a breakthrough. Don’t give up rather...