How to Create and Sustain Wealth

How to Create and Sustain Wealth

As a young boy, I had an informal but serious conversation with my dad as he told me about wealth. I wondered why he was telling me that as a young boy- probably because I was a male child that will grow up to be a man and breadwinner of my family. I kept his words in...

Understanding Money

Understanding Money

What Is Money? Before you continue reading, take a moment to ask yourself- what is money? What is your answer? Tell someone beside you. If you don’t have anyone around, you can say your answer to your pet or the wall. Just speak it out. Are you satisfied with your...

How To Break Bad Habits

How To Break Bad Habits

My last post was on how to form good habits. If you have not seen that, kindly click here to read it. Today we will examine how to break bad habits. It is possible that you do what you do not want to do and may be you end up not doing what you intend doing just like...

How to form good habits

How to form good habits

We have seen previously that we form habit and later the habit forms us.  It is therefore important that we form good habits so that we can have an impactful and better life. Everyone wants a good life but not everyone is forming habits to have a good life. Since we...

Habit, we form habit and later the habit forms us

Habit, we form habit and later the habit forms us

Some years back I was in a group discussion and we were asked to give examples of habits. Some persons responded with some examples of habit. Almost everyone that responded gave an example of a bad habit and one will almost think that all about habit is bad. Habit can...